Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patients suffer from disrupted sleep and lower oxygen levels. This is the result of blockage of the upper airway and decreased oxygen flow. When this occurs, your brain will cause you to partially awaken in order to remove the blockage and pass air. When this occurs repeatedly, you may be at risk for serious heart problems, changes in blood pressure, daytime sleepiness, depression, and difficulty concentrating. 

The initial step is recognition of the symptoms and seeking consultation. Sleep studies will be performed to assess the severity and treatment options will be presented. The initial treatment often involved using a CPAP machine to deliver pressurized oxygen to limit obstruction. In severe cases, the bones of the jaws may need to be repositioned to increase the airway size (jaw/orthognathic surgery).

Sleep apnea can be a serious medical condition that requires diagnosis and treatment. A majority of medical plans offer coverage.

Have questions? Set up a consultation about sleep apnea with us.